All Things Are Possible With God

Return to Mass

August 17, 2021 Update
  • The Archdiocese of Detroit encourages Mass-goers, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face-coverings and to practice social distancing to reduce exposure to COVID-19.
  • Each pastor/In Solidum team should evaluate their location in the Archdiocese and implement the following protocols:
    • Establish an area where social distancing is observed
    • Strongly encourage masking and social distancing
    • Hang signage indicating masking and social distancing are encouraged
    • Evaluate space for the choir, and strongly recommend that those who are unvaccinated do not participate in the choir at this time
    • Retain sanitization/face covering surrounding the distribution of Holy Communion
  • The faithful are reminded that particular dispensations from the obligation to participate in Holy Mass remain in effect for people who are ill or who find themselves in other specific circumstances. Click here for more information.
June 18, 2021 Update:

Archbishop Vigneron has approved the following revised guidelines for parishes. These new guidelines will take effect on Monday, June 28, 2021.

As Michigan returns to a more normal lifestyle, COVID-19 related liturgical protocols could be retained by local pastors. Pastors should be conscious that any protocols they retain should be seen as extraordinary measures for extraordinary times. Parishes/Families of Parishes should create a timeline as to when any of their parish/family protocols will expire.

  1. The Archdiocesan-wide directive to wear face-coverings and social distance has expired. Each pastor/In Solidum team should establish a protocol for their parish(es)/Family of Parishes based upon local conditions (e.g., a pastor/team may: establish an area where social distancing continues to be observed, direct the return of choirs, institute the resumption of the presentation of gifts, retain sanitization/face covering surrounding the distribution of Holy Communion).
  2. A reminder that clergy may, if they wish, continue to use separate Chalices or to receive the Precious Blood by intinction.
  3. It is recommended, at the present time, that parishes refrain from distributing Holy Communion from the Chalice to the faithful (except for bride and groom on their wedding day). The faithful can be reminded that in receiving the Sacred Host, they are also receiving the Blood of the living Christ.
  4. Parishes should have signage indicating any local parish COVID protocols. This is especially helpful for visitors.
  5. Parishes should look to the Department of Catholic Schools for particular guidance regarding youth athletics and school activities.
  6. Parishes should look to the Department of Human Resources for workplace guidance (requirements for parish offices, etc.).
  7. These liturgical directives replace all previously issued liturgical directives related to COVID-19.
May 19, 2021 Update from the Archdiocese of Detroit:

In a letter to the faithful, Archbishop Vigneron shares the new COVID liturgical protocols for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

While some protocols are being relaxed, Archbishop Vigneron reminds us all to bear in mind our need to care for the common good and to exercise care and love for those who are most vulnerable among us.

Read about the new protocols below and click here to read Archbishop Vigneron's letter to the faithful.

New COVID-19 Liturgical Protocols:
  1. Those who are fully vaccinated may wear a face-covering and social distance but are no longer required to do so in churches.
  2. Those who have not been fully vaccinated are to continue wearing face-coverings and to practice social distancing to protect themselves and others in churches. Because a parish community – and our society – requires mutual trust and a commitment to the common good, each individual is asked to make the best decisions for himself as well as for others. Parishes do not have the responsibility to verify who is and who is not vaccinated.
  3. Each parish is to provide a portion of the church – with a size to be determined by the pastor – where social distancing and face-coverings are consistently maintained.
  4. All unvaccinated Catholics are encouraged to consult with their doctor about the vaccines. Resources to assist Catholics in understanding the moral use of COVID vaccines can be found at
  5. The Sign of Peace may resume with the normal wording, “Offerte vobis pacem / Let us offer each other the sign of peace,” allowing parishioners and families to make their own determinations about how widely to share some sign of peace.
COVID Liturgical Protocols which remain in place:
  1. Parishes should continue to provide signage about current COVID protocols.
  2. Parishes should keep doors open to ventilate churches as they are able.
  3. Parishes are encouraged to continue the COVID arrangement of vessels for bread/wine on the altar.
  4. Clergy and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.
  5. Parishes are encouraged to maintain sanitization stations at the locations of the distribution of Holy Communion.
  6. Parishes are to continue to refrain from the distribution of the Chalice to the faithful (except for a Bride and Groom on their wedding day).

The general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days expired on Saturday, March 13, 2021. In its place, a number of particular dispensations have been granted for the faithful who may find themselves in specific circumstances.

Please read here for information about these specific dispensations and visit to learn more about how our parishes are working to keep everyone safe at Mass as well as tips and advice for inviting friends and family to attend Mass with you. 

We encourage those who can to come and join your parish family in celebrating Mass on Sunday. Sunday Mass and keeping the Lord's Day holy, is still an obligation for all.  We ask you continue to use common sense, stay healthy and safe, and "repay the Lord for all of His goodness!

Read the full announcement.

We encourage you to come and join your parish family in celebrating Mass on Sunday. Sunday Mass and keeping the Lord's Day holy, is still an obligation for all. Those who are in compromising health conditions i.e. immune compromised, the elderly, recent travel out of state, not feeling well, heart or lung disease, diabetes are asked to still stay home.

If you do not attend Mass you still have an obligation to watch Sunday Mass by live-stream, television or other means, to keep holy the Lord's Day. Many folks are now transitioning from being isolated in their homes to becoming involved in more public activities following all of the protocols necessary to be safe and healthy. Catholics who engage in other activities that would present a similar or greater risk of exposure (eating out at restaurants, traveling, non-essential shopping, widening one's circle of contacts, engaging in sports activities as a participant or observer etc.) should begin to return to Sunday Mass as they are able. "How can I repay the LORD for all of His goodness ... “(Psalm 116:12).

We continue to worship at the usual Mass times, Saturday 4:00 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 11 :00 a.m. If for some reason you still do not feel comfortable attending the Sunday Mass, there are still opportunities to attend daily Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 am. Confessions are held on Saturday at 3:00 p.m.  We are currently livestreaming the 4:00 PM Saturday Mass and 9:00 AM Sunday Mass.

We ask you continue to use common sense, stay healthy and safe, and "repay the Lord for all of His goodness! Fr. Greg and I Miss YOU!

Fr. Linus

Archdiocese of Detroit COVID-19 Response and Recommendations

Mass is available each day via live-stream and other media channels. You can find these on link below: 

Link to Live Stream Masses

As you temporarily participate at Mass in this different way, you and your families are encouraged to make a daily Spiritual Communion by praying:

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

Previously recorded masses and rosaries from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral can be seen at this link:

Archdiocese of Detroit Live-stream Archive