Catholic Services Appeal 2024
Target $37,164
Pledged $85,230
Refund Amount $48,066
229% of the Target has been met with
36% Participation (91 out of 252 solicited)
(As of 1/5/2025)
Thank you for your generosity, especially to those who have increased their CSA donations. Gifts to the CSA are not assessed; the amount above the target is returned to the parish; and next year’s target amount is not increased. If you have not pledged to CSA, please prayerfully consider your pledge amount. CSA pledges can be made until 4/18/2025. If you have any questions or need help with your pledge form, please contact the Parish office.
Thank you for your generosity!
To give online click HERE. Be sure to select "St. Alphonsus - St. Clement Parish, Dearborn" from the drop down menu.
With Eyes Fixed On Jesus
The Catholic Services Appeal is an annual campaign that raises funds for the Archdiocese of Detroit's ministries, programs, and services that benefit all the faithful in southeast Michigan. This archdiocesan-wide campaign reinforces the fact that the local Church extends beyond church buildings.
This year's Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) theme comes from the motto of Archbishop Vigneron, which he adopted from the Letter to the Hebrews: “Let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” It is this steadfast focus on Jesus that gives us the strength and courage to go about the work of sharing our love of Jesus Christ with others.
The CSA is an opportunity for the faithful to respond to Christ’s command “to love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12) by helping to fund services throughout the broader area of southeast Michigan. This collaborative, archdiocesan campaign is a way to demonstrate the unity of the larger Church and to fund these vital programs.
The Catholic Services Appeal benefits parishes and people in the Archdiocese of Detroit by helping to fund more than 100 ministries, programs, and services, including: support for men discerning God’s call to the priesthood at Sacred Heart Major Seminary; campus ministry; grants to Catholic schools; and young adult programs. Essentially, CSA dollars help fund the spiritual and corporal works of mercy in the greater Detroit area.