Where We’re At - September 15, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
August was busy for the parish. Homecoming Weekend and Mob Mass presented excellent opportunities to display our parish hospitality and appreciation of our Church and its history. We can all offer our gratitude to all our volunteers who generously offered their time and talents to make successes!
Another great feat is our reaching and exceeding our Catholic Services Appeal target. I am told this is the first year that we have accomplished this so early in the annual drive. Currently, we are over $3,000 of our target—an amount that remains in the parish and is not taxed by the Archdiocese. Contributions to the CSA continue to be made through the offertory, by mail or directly to the parish office. We will keep you informed as to how we are doing.
Post Labor Day projects coming up include the cleaning, filling cracks, sealing and restriping of the Fr. Yagley Hall parking lot. The effort is more than just cosmetic but is necessary for maintenance of the lot. The rule of thumb calls for every three to four years to have this done and will become our policy for both lots in the years ahead.
Also, the days ahead will see us hydroseeding and moderate landscaping being done on the grounds surrounding the new parking lot. Also planned will be the installation of fencing and gates. Planning for a remembrance garden on the site of the high school will begin in the months ahead. We will look for volunteers and contributions to this effort. You will be hearing more about this in the months ahead.
Much has been done and much remains to be done in the months and years ahead to preserve and celebrate the beautiful gift of St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish. You are invited to share the gift with family, friends and former parishioners!
Where We’re At - August 18, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
The Sunday August 11 10:00 am Mass was a joyful experience for St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish. It was estimated that around 500 people attended Mass and appreciated the “hidden treasurers” of our nearly one hundred-year-old-church building. It was reported this was the largest participation by the “Mass Mob” in the last 4 years. They were treated to the best!
Certainly, the Eucharist was the reason for gathering with Fr. Greg leading the celebration along with the Knights of Columbus, who offered their reverence and ritual to the Mass. Our organist, Adam Morency, so ably supported the congregation in song and meditation throughout. The many ushers, eucharistic ministers, servers and lector all enhanced the liturgy and no doubt brought back memories of the days when the church was always much fuller and vibrant. The parishioners, who served as greeters and guides before and after Mass, offered the grace of their hospitality to the many visitors walking through the doors. The women and men, who shared generously, refreshments and fellowship, in Fr. Yagley Hall, added to the conviction that our parishioners sincerely welcome visitors, not only for the special mass, but for weekends in the future. Not to be forgotten are the parking attendants, who directed folks and filled every single spot available.
Events like last Sunday do not just happen. They demand meticulous planning and effort. We have to thank the parishioners, who spent hours on their knees, fixing and tightening pews and kneelers, cleaning and dusting and picking up papers on the grounds. All of this just to make things look and feel just right for our visitors. And they did just that!
None of last Sunday’s “Mass Mob” or the previous Sunday’s Homecoming celebration could have happened without extraordinary planning and attention to the many details. We have David Katona to thank for all the motivation and organization over the past few weeks. The Esper family generously donated the property we have occupied for the past 172 years. David is the fifth generation Esper. It is quite apparent that he carries that same generous spirit and love for the Faith that his family has endowed for us. When you see David, give him your thanks!
Where We’re At - August 11, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
Welcome to St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Church. We are more than just a beautiful church building with a historical cemetery. We are a beautiful community of believers celebrating the Catholic Faith in a most stunning church. The Celebration of Faith has thrived for over 171 years and witnessed some of the most extraordinary events in our country’s history. Beginning with a gift of a plot of land by German farmers, this corner of Warren Ave. and Schaefer Rd. has seen a consistent growth and meaningful teaching and preaching of Christ’s message.
The St. Alphonsus-St. Clement parish community has changed considerably over the years. Many folks have moved or downsized to the suburbs. Many of the faithful have entered eternal life and now enjoy their fidelity to the Lord. Others remain as “empty nesters” comfortable in the homes and neighborhoods they have known for many decades. And what is so true in many older parishes, the white hairs and retirees continue to generously support their parish. Their stewardship is to be appreciated and supported. We would like you to consider joining in their stewardship. St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish is asking you to prayerfully consider how you can help. Our parish mission is to remain a beautiful presence in the neighborhood. The Catholic Faith has been lived for over 171 years on this very site. The church for nearly one hundred years, remains a stunning statement of the living faith of past, present and future parishioners. We invite you to become a meaningful participant as an Associate Parishioner while remaining in your current home parish. Envelopes, available in the pews, explain how you can join in this special support. Your are also encouraged to consider celebrating those special sacramental events in your life. Baptisms, First Communion, Weddings and Anniversaries, Class Reunions are all occasions to celebrate in this stunning church. Certainly, everyone is invited to join and register as a regular attending parishioner of the parish.
Please know that St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish enjoys celebrating Mass with you. We know that you are much more than a “Mob”. We would like to think of you as a member of our community of faith. Know that you are always welcome!
Where We’re At - August 4, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
This weekend is filled with many alumni from Dearborn’s various schools. We are especially happy to welcome home the many parishioners and former students of both St. Alphonsus and St. Clement parishes. We sometime take for granted the influence that our early years in school have had upon us. Our moral and spiritual nourishment and growth through the years had their start in our parishes and schools. We can, also, appreciate the sometimes “tough” academics the Sisters and lay teachers demanded of us. Our formation in different degrees have led many to successful careers and enterprises. We should never lose sight of where we started and what we enjoy now. If you are attending Mass and renewing friendships and memories, you truly appreciate the legacy and blessings with which you have been entrusted.
The St. Alphonsus-St. Clement parish community has changed considerably over the years. Many folks have moved or downsized to the suburbs. Many of the faithful have entered eternal life and now enjoy their fidelity to the Lord. Others remain as “empty nesters” comfortable in homes and neighborhoods they have known for many decades. And what is so true in many older parishes, the white hairs and retirees continue to generously support their parish. Their stewardship is to be appreciated and supported. We would like you to consider joining in their stewardship. St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish is asking you to prayerfully consider how you can help. Our parish mission is to remain a beautiful presence in the neighborhood of your early years. The Catholic Faith has been lived for over 170 years on this very site. The church for nearly one hundred years remains a stunning statement of the living faith of past, present and future parishioners. We invite you to become a meaningful participant as an Associate Parishioner while still remaining in your current home parish. Envelopes, available in the pews, explain how you can join in this special support. You are, also, encouraged to consider celebrating those special sacramental events in your life. Baptisms, First Communion, Weddings and Anniversaries, Class Reunions are all occasions to celebrate in this stunning church. Certainly, everyone is invited to join and register as a regular attending parishioner of the parish. Please know that St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish enjoys spending time with you and celebrating together worship, memories and friendships. Know that you are also welcome!
Where We’re At - July 20, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
Where we’re at? We are in a pretty good place with a new parking lot now available for use. There are additional parking spots, including ten handicap spaces. Entrance and exiting will still occur at the Gould St. gate. The old Calhoun street exit has been moved to the end of the parking lot, still allowing exiting on Calhoun street. Signage will offer directions that are easy to follow. The poles for the expanded lighting have been installed and the City of Dearborn has approved the electrical work. Once DTE completes the connection to the new pole on the corner of Schaefer and Gould we will have lighting for parking spaces and for the flag pole on the original high school site. Some earth sculpting for small berms needs to be done before fencing can be put in place. Hydroseeding, along with basic landscaping, will commence in September. Soon we will begin planning for memorial bricks and gardens on the high school site. Stay tuned for the invitation to help with the project. One final addition to the project will be the placing of Our Lady of Fatima statue on the massive piece of foundation from the high school. We are currently looking for a suitable outdoor state of Our Lady. All in all, much has been accomplished over the past several months. I would encourage parishioners to invite family members and friends to return home for Mass and see the “New Look”.
Where We’re At - June 30, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
Residents of Allegria Village will be missing a great friend and support for their senior community as Sr. Margaret Allandt IHM has announced her retirement effective for the end of June. Sr. Margaret has been a friend and source of inspiration for so many residents of the Village over the years. One resident speaking for many offered these words: "From offering a listening ear and comforting words, Sister Margaret's contributions have immeasurable." Residents of the Village hosted a farewell celebration this past week for Sister. Besides Village residents, many parishioners of St. Alphonsus — St. Clement have been blessed with her presence in their lives. Thank you Sister Margaret for your dedication and loving service for all of us. If you would like to share your best wishes to Sister simply mail or bring your expressions to the parish office. We will be happy to pass them on to Sister.
Hopefully you have had a chance to appreciate the progress on our new parking lot. We look forward to more handicap parking spaces and enhanced lighting. A new fence will be erected in the weeks ahead along with landscaping in the fall once cooler weather sets in. The invitation is extended to all parishioners and alumni to consider participating in efforts to establish memorial gardens. You will be hearing more about the efforts in the near future. All our efforts are fitting of the extraordinary significance and importance of the Catholic presence on this site. Truly it speaks to the surrounding community of our Faith and our commitment to continually witness to it.
In August we will be hosting the Mob Mass and expect to have hundreds of visitors to the parish. In the weeks ahead you will hear the call for folks to come forward to volunteer their services as guides and hosts. Liturgical roles, such as Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors will also be sought. Pray over and think about how you can serve your parish.
Many thanks to all who have contributed to the CSA thus far. Currently we are at 34% of our goal. As you have heard from our Finance Committee Chair, Peter Salamon this weekend, we need everyone's cheerful and generous support of the effort. The old saying "Give until hurts." Is so wrong about supporting our parish. Try saying: "Give until it feels good!"
St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish News June 2024
By Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
The past two years have seen dramatic physical changes and improvements to our parish campus. Besides the razing of the schools and related buildings, numerous other projects have been addressed as well. Among oth-er things, a new roof on Yagley Hall, church electrical wiring, stained glass, church bells, leaky roof and a struggling organ were all given the attention they needed. As any homeowner knows, there is always something that needs attention at any given time. Our stately buildings are no exception to the rule. Our thanks to several parishioners who have stepped up and covered the costs of some of our needed improvements. Their gener-osity is exceptional. Also, supporters of the annual Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) generated a return of $29,751. The "over our target" funds were applied to church roof repair. All of this giving is significant in that it speaks of our parishioners' dedication and just where we are now!
We are in a good place. We’re now able to enjoy an expanded, well-lit, safe parking lot. We look forward to the City's collaboration providing new sidewalks. Now that the footprint of the new lot has been established, the design of the necessary fencing will be determined. After the cost of the parking lot, this is the most expensive item we can anticipate. We are looking for some well-heeled alumni or business to underwrite the cost! A statue of our Lady of Fatima will find a place near the southwest corner (gym site) of the campus. (Muslims have a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and we hope to share ours with theirs.) On the former site of the high school stands the cornerstone from 1921 and the newly restored flagpole donated by the class of 1942--the first to have graduates in WW II. Devotional areas honoring priests, religious and parishioners who have served the parish over the decades will be created with memorial bricks and landscaping. A Way of the Cross will eventu-ally find a home on the site of the elementary school.
We are going forward! With the Archdiocesan endorsement they have recognized the priority of Catholic mis-sion over money. As much as the commercial value of the property is, our Catholic presence is priceless. The property has been dedicated to the evangelization of the Catholic Faith for 172 years. St. Alphonsus - St. Clement church stands amid the highest Muslim concentration in North America. We have been given the op-portunity to witness our Faith in a most dramatic and inspiring way. Some of the most extraordinary statements of Faith are spoken in the stunning architecture of a few one-hundred-year-old Detroit churches. We are in the same magnificent class as them!
Where We’re At - May 4, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
It looks like we are pretty much on schedule for the creation of a new parking lot! Work, probably, will begin this coming week, which means parking in Fr. Yagley’s parking lot is a necessity. Construction is estimated to take 3-4 weeks. Improved lighting will also be coming once DTE approves the plan. The new lot will afford additional parking and a greater accommodation for the handicapped. The temporary fence, needed for demolition, has been removed and no doubt folks might be seen crossing across the newly seeded lawns. We need to be understanding and come to appreciate the patience our neighbors have exhibited during the months of demolition. Our neighborhood only works when everyone works together. Hopefully good things lay ahead for this part of Dearborn.
In the next week or two, you will be receiving the annual Catholic Services Appeal request for your contribution. It is an important request. Not only does it help support the many works of the Archdiocese, but also allows us an opportunity to raise extra cash for Parish improvement. Last year’s drive collected over $27K above and beyond our target. The money remained in the Parish and was used for repair of our Church roof and needed electrical updates in the Church. This year’s monies, above the target, can be used to help with the new parking lot, needed fencing and landscaping. The Parish has not really had a capital campaign in a long time. The annual CSA gives us a timely and significant manner for raising funds. Contributions, from former parishioners and our many alumni, will help a great deal. No matter what you can afford to give, will be appreciated and used wisely. On a final note, our longtime parish bookkeeper is retiring and we are looking for a replacement. The position is part time and some of the work can be done from home. It interested or can recommend someone, give the parish office a call at 581-5218 Ext. 3.
Be well and enjoy God’s Blessings!
Where We’re At - April 21, 2024 - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator
The Archdiocese has endorsed our plan for the new parking lot and enhanced lighting. With the cooperation of DTE and the City of Dearborn, we hope to start work by the end of this month. Completion of the project, we hope to see, by the end of May. Certainly, with the work, will come inconvenience and we hope folks will take advantage of the parking around Fr. Yagley Hall. A new parking lot is not inexpensive and we will be withdrawing from our savings to cover the costs. At the same time, we are encouraging support for the annual CSA beginning in May. Last year, parishioners were very generous and allowed up to apply monies received, above our target, to be applied to the work on the lower roof of the Church. Certainly, donations above and beyond the CSA are welcome!
Our flagpole, which stands on the site of the old high school, has been reconditioned with the intent of flying “Old Glory” once again. This effort, has been made possible, with the donation by longtime parishioner, Frank Palmeri. Frank is a veteran and a patriot and we thank him for his effort. We look forward to a rededication of the flagpole around Memoria Day, assuming the parking lot work is completed. Thank you Frank for your generosity.
Parking is not the only work to be done on the new campus. Fencing, landscaping and devotional settings are also planned for in the months ahead. Certainly, what is planned will be attractive for parishioners and visitors to the parish. One event, being planned for, is Dearborn’s Homecoming. The weekend will be celebrating Masses and outdoor receptions at St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Church. The weekend will also afford the opportunity to open the time capsules, retrieved from the demolition of the elementary school and the activities building. The following weekend, August 11, we have been asked to host a visit from the “Mass Mob”, a movement of Catholics who appreciate attending Mass in historic and significant churches in the Archdiocese. The attendance usually includes hundreds of reverent and generous worshipers.
All in all, a lot is happening and planned for in our Parish. Please encourage family and former parishioners to come home and celebrate with us.