All Things Are Possible With God

Browsing News Entries

Browsing News Entries

Pope Francis Explores the Spiritual Legacy of St. John Paul II

In his latest discourse on virtues, Pope Francis embarked on a profound exploration of the three theological virtues -- faith, hope, and charity -- which he hailed as the foundational pillars of Christian existence, ushering in a new chapter in his catechetical series.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Proposes Daycare Plan to Reduce Abortions in America

In a society where the sacredness of life is paramount, we must seek compassionate and effective strategies to nurture both mothers and children. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent initiative to offer a "massive subsidized day care initiative," dubbed "More Choices, More Life," represents a visionary approach to supporting families and reducing the incidence of abortion.

A Grandparent's Love: 3 Bible verses to read to grandchildren

Raising children according to God's will isn't always the easiest task. It takes a lot of strength and faith. A popular saying about raising a child is that "it takes a village."

Pope Francis to Host Grandparents and Grandchildren at Vatican

This weekend, Pope Francis will engage in a heartfelt encounter with thousands of grandparents and their grandchildren from across Italy. Dubbed "A Caress and a Smile," this unique event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 27, in the spacious Paul VI Hall. It promises to be a day where age is not just a number but a celebrated symbol of wisdom.

Simple Steps to Celebrate Earth Day the Catholic Way

Earth Day is a special time when people worldwide come together to celebrate our planet and pledge to take care of it. For Catholics, it's not just about the Earth; it's also about following the teachings of their faith, which emphasize respecting and protecting nature.

US Catholic Bishops Criticize Biden Admin's Rule Mandating Employers Support Abortion

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has voiced criticism against a recent rule by the Biden administration, requiring employers to provide leave for employees seeking abortions.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus Christ is the fullness of the revelation of supernatural truth which guides humanity to our eternal destiny. He is the cornerstone on which our lives must be built because, as He reveals supernatural truth to us fully and completely, He reveals who we are and that for which we were created. Jesus commissioned His Apostles to share His supernatural truth with the world, and this is also our mission. If we recognize and embrace this mission, bringing ...

5 Simple Children's Prayers Your Kid Will Love To Learn

Children love saying prayers. Teaching your children how to pray is not only a great way to introduce them to Jesus Christ, it reinforces their relationship with the Lord.